Friday, June 12, 2009

One of my square foot gardens in May. They really started off fast after 3 weeks of rain!

The cucumber plant in the TopsyTurvy. This plant didn't survive after a bird set up residence inside the lid. Unfortunately the eggs didn't survive either.

My blackberry bush. So far there are 7 blackberries.
Hopefully there will be more by the end of the year.

This is the grape vine. It really took off too.
The kids have had so much fun watching the gardens grow and helping with any
weeding and watering.

These were back in May. The June photos will be fantastic!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I wasn't sure if the grapevine would grow well in our weather but it
like we may have grapes by the end of July.

I planted the blackberry bush this year so I'm not expecting
a great yield this year but it should be ready for tons next year.

This year I wanted to try growing with the topsy-turvy planters. The kids have loved these. I'm hoping they'll work right!

This year's garden is starting out well. The corn is really growing fast. The kids have loved helping out more with the planting and watering. I wish we had room for more boxes. I just have to make do with 3 this year.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I have so many friends blogspots on my favorites list, I guess it's time I make one. Hopefully I can keep it up to date!